They say you can never go back once you have a kid. They're right. Motherhood is a commitment. I can't go back. But you know what? I would never to go back.

To the one who made me a Mom,

They say you can never go back once you have a kid. They're right. Motherhood is a commitment. I can't go back. But you know what? I would never to go back.

One year ago, my sweet Hazel, you made me a mother. I was terrified and excited to move on to this next stage of life called motherhood. People always say you can never go back once you have a kid. They’re right. Now that you are in my life, so much will never be the same. Motherhood is a lifetime commitment. I can’t go back.

But you know what? I would never want to go back.

If I did, it would mean I wouldn’t be your Mom. And that name and role is something I am not willing to let go of.

My sweet girl, there are so many things I love about you and hope for you!

You laugh easily and your smile is contagious. This is one of my favorite things about you! Everything could be going wrong that day, and then, you giggle. I’m talking about the full on baby belly laughs! Everything seems to be ok once I hear that sweet sound.

I hope you continue to find joy and never loose that ability to laugh easily. How I wish people could see through your eyes once in awhile. I think the world would be happier and more content with the simple things in life. Find reasons to smile every day!

I love how you seek me out. When you are happy or sad, you lock your eyes on me, crawl over, and climb into my lap. I’m the first person you want when you wake and the last to kiss you goodnight.

I hope you always find comfort in me as your mother. I hope you will continue to seek me out as you grow and need someone to listen. I promise I will always be there for you.

They say you can never go back once you have a kid. They're right. Motherhood is a commitment. I can't go back. But you know what? I would never to go back.

I love the relationship you have with your Dad. The first time he held you, I knew he was all yours. He kept saying, “I can’t look at her otherwise I just start crying!” Now, you love to be silly and laugh together. Blowing raspberries on each other’s stomachs usually gets a big laugh! You wave goodbye to him every morning as he goes to school and then squeal with excitement when he comes home.

I hope you know your Dad loves you deeply and would do anything for you! He works so hard for us and to be able to help others in the near future. I hope you will remember this when the days come where we don’t see much of him because of the long hours he has to work at the hospital. He loves you and puts us first.

I love watching you choose. You know what you want. When two options are placed in front of you, you get this big smile on your face and then you immediately grab what object you want.

I hope you continue to go after what you want in life. I hope you use your ability to choose to make good decisions. Choose friends, media, and activities that are uplifting. Remember your choices have consequences. Look past the now and think of what you want in the future. Your choices will determine your destiny.

I love your big blue eyes. You have your Daddy’s eyes. If you look closely, you have ice blue stars going around the whole circumference.
I could stare at them all day! Everyone comments on your eyes.

It is my hope you use your eyes to look for those in need and then fill that need. I hope you use your eyes to see a problem and find a solution. I hope you use your eyes to watch things that are wholesome. Use your eyes to take in the beauties of this earth and relish the simple moments.

I love when you wrap your little fingers around mine to practice walking. Your hands are strong. Your fingers are long like mine. Your hands help you get what you want – food, toys, Mom, Dad. Your hands help you explore the world.

I hope you use your hands to shape the world into a kinder place. The world needs girls like you. Use your hands to do good, lift those in need, and reach for your dreams.

You have been kicking your feet since I can remember, especially your left foot! You are so close to walking now. I love seeing the excitement and determination in your eyes as you practice with our help.

Keep that determination and excitement as you walk (and run) through life. I hope your feet lead you down paths that will challenge you and where you will find joy.

Watching you learn to roll, sit, crawl, stand, and soon walk has been a joy! I can’t wait to watch you continue to grow and change the world around you.

Growing is tough. There will come days when things seem beyond your capabilities. Days when you hurt and nothing seems to help. Days where you will feel hopeless and lost.

Turn to the Lord. Get on your knees and pray. Comfort and help will come. But then you need to get on your feet and get to work. Remember questions are good. Your Heavenly Father is there to answer those questions.

They say you can never go back once you have a kid. They're right. Motherhood is a commitment. I can't go back. But you know what? I would never to go back.

Your worth and potential is beyond measure. You are a daughter of God. You possess distinctive capabilities and gifts from Him. I hope you will seek to discover and develop these gifts. You are enough! Don’t let the world, media, or anyone else tell you otherwise.

I pray your Dad and I will raise you to be kind and courageous. Faithful and loyal. Determined and hardworking. Selfless and full of charity.

I love you Hazelnut! Happy 1st Birthday!

With all my love,


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