Sarah is not only a medical student, but a medical wife. In this post, she offers some great insight when Applying to Med School as a Premed Couple.


Sarah is not only a medical student, but a medical wife. In this post, she offers some great insight when Applying to Med School as a Premed Couple.

Our pre-med advisor told us that our best bet was to cast a wide net and apply to more programs than we would if just one of us was planning on attending school. As a result, we both applied to 42 primaries, and then both chose the same 32 secondaries to do. So essentially, total, our household paid for 64 secondary applications, which was incredibly expensive. 

A big question sometimes is how to choose what schools to apply to. We did a fair bit of research looking for a program that accepted out of state individuals, that had stats similar to the lowest stats between my husband and I. We also applied to Texas because it was comparatively cheap for all ten schools, and I’m so glad we did.

Many applications had a question where we could discuss any unique circumstances relevant to our application. Riley and I would take that opportunity to inform the committees that we were both applying and our hope was to attend school together. We would always put each other’s names whenever we could. When we were writing specifically about how we were applying together, we would put our application IDs.

If that was not a question that was asked in the application, we would email the same statement to the admissions committee of the school and ask that it be included with our file.

Also, just standard advice, we turned our applications in as early as we could. We figured we needed all the help we could get!