Navigating the other side of med school before, during, and after | Finding joy one test at a time

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Unmatched. We need to help normalize not matching. This is not a personal failure. The match and the system failed us. This is our story.


We share our story so applicants who have gone unmatched or partially unmatched know they are not alone. This is our experience in the heat of the moment and written openly and vulnerably. We hope by sharing, other medical families will feel supported and part of a community as this topic is not discussed openly …

Make a "I Know He or She Loves Me When..." List. Write it. Type it. Photograph it. Do it! It will help you recognize how much you are truly loved!


Orange juice. That’s what it took for it to dawn on me. My husband had run to grab us a bite to eat while I frantically worked on a class assignment due that day. When he came back, he handed me an orange juice and bagel. I thanked him and he quietly went back to studying. …
