Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!

Today I was walking on campus and a light snow began to fall. It was beautiful! You know that soft, quiet that settles in making everything almost silent except for the crunch of snow beneath your feet? Well, that silence is my favorite thing about winter. Another one of my favorite things is winter dates! I am a firm believer whether you are single or married, dating can and should be fun! And let’s face it, sometimes Netflix just gets old. So I decided to put together 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don’t have to rely on Netflix to keep your romance alive during the winter months!

Let me know what you think! I’d love to hear what your favorite winter date ideas are!

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Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!1. Make some homemade snowflakes and “flake attack” someone’s door!

2. Build a fort in your front room and play a favorite game or watch a movie! One of our favorites is Code Names. Makes for a fun group date! You should definitely try this one.

3. Bake and share. Bake something tasty and then go doorbell ditch your neighbors and leave them with the goodies.

4. Go to your local library and play hide and seek or sardines. Don’t get caught by the librarian!

5. Do a picture scavenger hunt at a mall. Make it winter themed with these photo booth props!

6. Make a couple sack lunches together and give them out to those who are homeless. Take the time while you’re out to get to know these people and find out their stories!

Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!

7.  I am up for anything around a fire! Make some s’mores and play 21 questions. Not feeling like braving the cold? Make some indoor s’mores with a Sterno S’mores Maker.

8. Have a snowball fight! But again, if you aren’t in the mood for going outside, bring the snowball fight indoors with these awesome Indoor Snowballs!

9. Bundle up and go for a walk together down town to go window shopping.

10. Be adventurous with your winter date ideas! Tryout snowshoeing, cross country skiing, snowboarding or another winter activity you’ve never done before! There are often places where you can rent equipment for pretty cheap.

Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!

11. It’s war! Have a nerf gun war and looser cooks dinner! This is a fun date I surprised my husband with when he came home from school! Sadly, I lost. But I will win next time!

12. Play a word scavenger hunt at Barnes and Noble. Take a picture to prove you found the required words.

13. Go star gazing, bring a flashlight, cuddle up with a blanket, and read a book together! Dan Brown is one of our favorite authors. We can’t put his books down!

14.  Pitch up a tent (blanket or real tent) and do some indoor camping. Exchange favorite winter memories. Themed food is encouraged!

15. Take advantage of the snow and have couples photo shoot! My husband and I had our friend take our photos and it started Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!snowing. I am now kinda obsessed with the pictures we have from our snowy session! Loved working with Summer Day Images.

16. Go to a local soup kitchen or food bank and serve! Give back to your community and make some memories at the same time.

17. Make grilled cheese and tomato soup and watch a favorite childhood movie like The Little Rascals. “Dear Darla…”
Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!18. Try a new type of exercise together. Zumba, PiYo, Yoga, Strong… The list goes on and I promise you’ll get a good laugh and a good workout!

19. Go ice skating or sledding and warm up with some cocoa after. It’s a go to classic.

20. Relax in a hot tub… Outdoors! Many states have natural hot springs you can find within a couple hours drive.

21. Have a snowman building competition and then have some gourmet hot chocolate by Ghirardelli afterwards.Sometimes Netflix gets old. So try one of these 21 Winter Date Ideas so you don't have to rely on Netflix to keep the romance alive during the winter!

What are some of your favorite winter date ideas?? Get out there and date!